In order for the use of copyrighted materials in distance education to qualify for the TEACH Act exemptions, the following criteria must be met:
Source: Copyright Clearance Center. (2011). The TEACH Act. Retrieved from https://www.copyright.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/CR-Teach-Act.pdf
The Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization (TEACH) Act was signed into federal law in 2002. Its primary purpose is to balance the needs of distance learners and educators with the rights of copyright holders. The TEACH Act applies to distance education that includes the participation of any enrolled student, on or off campus. The law grants additional opportunities for the use of copyrighted materials for distance education including:
What the TEACH Act does not allow:
Source: Copyright Clearance Center. (2011). The TEACH Act. Retrieved from https://www.copyright.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/CR-Teach-Act.pdf