Heading into Exam 1, Tess has done all the preparation and participation assignments and has done fairly well on the homework assignments.
She scored 80% on Exam 1. Notice how her grade went down, but not by very much because Exam 1 is only worth 5% of the grade, whereas P&P and Homework are each worth 10% of the grade.
She used the What If option in Canvas Gradebook to enter in some predicted scores for remaining assignments, including lab. She wanted to see what would happen to her grade. Notice that now there are grades for the sections of the gradebook which previously did not have grades.
Tess also tried a scenario where she did not complete much of the homework and achieved 70% on most of the other groups within the Gradebook. Her grade was a 66%, and she would not be permitted to move onto BIOL 111 (students with a C- or 70% and above may move on to the next biology course).